Nataša Pavlović Bujas

Nataša Pavlović Bujas

is curious explorer and inexhaustible performer, passionate about behavioural science and behavioural economics. She graduated chemistry at University of Belgrade, but soon after she founded Blumen group, one of the first agencies for integrated communications and business development in Serbia. She stands for female touch in business – so she became the first elected women in Serbian Association of Employers Presidency. With her team and as an communication expert, business coach and business consultant she was awarded with 25+ national and international awards – among them are IPRA Golden World Awards and IPRA Grand Prize, as well as Public Relations Society of Serbia special award for personal achievements in public relations, UEPS – GOLD PRIZE (Serbian Advertising Practitioners Association) for raising awareness of good Serbian marketing&PR practice worldwide, and many others.

She is lecturer and speaker at various national and international conferences, events and universities, sharing her knowledge and – even more important – sharing her experience.

Drinks good wine only, love to inspire people, travel and share experience. Proud mom of college boy.