The PR Forum of BAPRA

The PR Forum of BAPRA became a stage for the exchange of experience and useful practices for the development of the industry and impressed the audience with its international speakers

On On April 3rd at Hotel Intercontinental Sofia the long-awaited PR Forum of the Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA) took place What is leading the growth of PR today?  Two international PR experts came to Bulgaria at the invitation of BAPRA to reveal to the guests of the event the future of the industry from their perspective. The forum was moderated by journalist Florina Ivanova.

Christophe Ginisty, business leader at MSL Saudi Arabia, opened the panel discussion with the topic: The Authenticity Paradox: Navigating the Brave New World of Generative Artificial Intelligence in PR" Through the lens of current geopolitical and societal changes, as well as the rapid adoption of various AI tools, Christophe explored the PR profession and all the challenges it will face in the near future.

The second part of the panel was led by Christina Forsgard, founder of Netprofile and chair of the Ethics Committee of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO). She attempted to answer the question: "How to embrace the new frontiers of PR?"while unfolding and solidifying the strong influence that PR experts have locally and globally, and how this influence can be affected and enhanced in unknown directions with all the new technologies, particularly AI.

The presentations by both lecturers were followed by a panel discussion where their provocative topics and bold perspectives unfolded before the guests. Participants in the discussion included Sirma Penkova, editor of media and advertising at Capital newspaper, Christophe Ginisty, and Christina Forsgard. The moderator of the discussion was Iva Grigorova, deputy chairperson of BAPRA and PR business director at MSL Sofia, part of Publicis Groupe Bulgaria. The participants in the discussion managed to address many of the pressing questions related to the future of the industry and the technologies posed by the guests.

The forum concluded with a practical session on the topic "Applications of AI in PR."presented by Dr. Yolina Petrova, Senior Data Specialist and Machine Learning Engineer at Identrics, and Anna Tsanova, Marketing Manager at Updata One. They managed to show the guests the basic principles of artificial intelligence, its application in effective storytelling, and some important AI platforms that all experts in the field of communications and PR can use to facilitate and improve their work.


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